Das Netzwerk unserer ausgestellten und betreuten Künstler wächst stetig und baut nicht selten auf intensiven Freundschaften auf oder führt zu solchen. Für uns ist ein freundschaftlicher Austausch die beste Basis für eine langfristige Zusammenarbeit.
Neue Künstlerinnen in der ARP Galerie:
Manfred Maria Rubrecht, Francois Paris, Anja Wülfing, Jürgen Stenger, Oksana Bergen, Jan Aziz, Sabine Mann, Manuel Mediavilla, Merino Pacheco, Nuria Torres, Adam Marian pete, prof. dieter wolthoff
Patrizia casagranda
Torsten Wolber
Prof. Dieter Wolthoff
Manuel Mediavilla
Jozek nowak
vinzenz schüller
lavely miller
maryland I United states
adam marian pete
Birgit Feil
Macherin, Sammlerin, Künstlerin
Metropole style
Achim ripperger
Zeichnungen und skulpturen
Emanuel de sousa
Fabio Vogel // Vogel Studio
Vogel Studio
We make objects and interior. Our objects include furniture, accessories and contemporary collectible design pieces. We work with global brands or with private individuals on bespoke projects or on free projects.
The act of making is vital to us. We make the most of our work in our studio or with professionals in their field which became friends and understand our way of work and thinking.
The way of working depends on the project. It is never the same. We don´t have a fixed method, this means a continuously process of learning and extensions of our skills. Experimenting and playing with materials are very important to us. This often leads to untouched ideas.
For us the border between art and design is like a gradient. Both can be found in our work.
Anja Wülfing
will yu, taiwan